Venus Transit 6.6.2012
observed near Darnózseli - Hungary
sunrise around 5:50h with seeing disturbed Venus |
a very clear sky to the NE promised visibility of Venus atmosphere |
detailed view of solar disk with sunspots and Venus, still disturbed by seeing and refraction |
after approx. 1h the seeing improved greatly |
the third contact - no black drop effect visible |
very first moment of the Lomonossow-arc (sun illuminated Venus atmosphere) - masked HDR white light composit image |
the Lomonossow-arc, 200 streamed images stacked and non manipulated white light image, therefore saturated and outshined photosphere |
2 minutes later the still closed Lomonossow-arc, 200 streamed images stacked and non manipulated white light image, saturated photosphere |
the Lomonossow-arc shortly before breaking up - masked HDR white light composit image |
8 minutes after 3th contact the Lomonossow-arc got fragmented, 200 videostream images stacked and non manipulated white light image, saturated photosphere |
final fragment of the Lomonossow-arc shortly before 4th contact - masked HDR white light composit image |
<< last 9 images made with Astro Physics refractor 130mm f=3000mm and DMK21AU04.AS monochrome camera, full sun disk with APS-DSLR and f=1700mm |
the autor while packing the instruments after the transit |