Etna - Eruptions 5. - 7.12.2015

Video and Timelapse

compilations ->

Voragine Paroxysm 5.12.15

NSE crater eruption 6.12.15


Voragine Paroxysm, evening 5.12.15 seen from S

eruption cloud - fisheye view

fisheye view

sunset colors

Voragine Paroxysm seen from Sapienza

Voragine Paroxysm

Voragine Paroxysm

Voragine Paroxysm seen from Sapienza

eruption cloud - fisheye view

eruption cloud - fisheye view

huge bursting lava bubble at the beginning of the NSE eruption

NSE-strong strombolian activity

NSE activity with final strombolian from Voragine behind

NSE-strong strombolian activity

NSE activity with small ask cloud from Voragine behind

NSE activity seen from Montagnola area

rising ash cloud

rising ash cloud

frequent strombolian evolves to low-key fountaining>

lava flow to the NE illuminates eruption cloud

lava flow to the NE illuminates eruption cloud

lava flow to the NE illuminates eruption cloud

Moon and Venus to the east

red illuminated ground with starry sky above

fountaining persists into the following day


colors of fall - in december