back again to Kamchatka Helicopter check Helicopter landing near volcanologists hut, Karymsky volcano behind steaming Karymsky volcano local volcanologist measuring gas density Karymsky volcano volcanologists hut with Karymsky behind Karymsky volcano inside caldera, drone panorama view to Maly Semyachik silent Karymsky at sunrise shore of Karymsky lake Karymsky river Kamchatka Bear encounter while hiking Kamchatka Bear encounter while hiking Karymsky volcano and lake, drone panorama Karymsky volcano and lake, drone panorama silent Karymsky in morning light leaving area by helicopter Karymsky summit crater Karymsky lake Zhupanovsky volcano in the distance Koryaksky volcano with Avachinsky behind Koryaksky volcano with Avachinsky behind Koryaksky volcano with Avachinsky behind